Lucy 老師的工作之一就是偶爾要幫忙做一些奇怪的事情.
例如: 看其他老師上課挑出優缺點/隨時知道各家考試最新資訊(通常被"敵方"問到時,Lucy老師都考完啦)/
幫忙推廣各種英語考試/寫寫文章看看電腦批改系統是否正常運作啦! 不過最近因為感冒所有工作進度嚴重落後的老師
也是要把答應人家的事做完囉! 所以熬夜完成了這篇關於 Amusement Park 的文章. 電腦評分是最完美的.顯然這電腦
系統運作十分正常, 不過還是有些小小的error喔! 仔細讀看看,找出錯誤地方的有賞!!
Lu's pics 030.JPG 
Amusemnet Park
People enjoy having fun in their lives. That is the reason why many of them love to go traveling when they have free time. There are many places one can visit while traveling, the most popular place among those tourists attractions is the amusement park. Disney Land and Disney World are by far the most well known amusement parks. As someone who enjoys traveling,I strongly believe that having an amusement park near my neighborhood will benefit the entire community. It will not only attracts more tourists, but also brings more job opportunities to the whole community.

The neighborhood in which I live in is located in a newly developed area, where only a small number of residents are living there at the moment. Even though there are lots of lands surrounded our neighborhood, but the developments for the whole community seems to be very slow due to recent economy crises. If we want to attract more residents to move to our neighborhood, we should first work on how to attract people to notice our neighborhood and then persuade them to move in with our well planned development plans. Persuading people to move in to a newly develop area is never an easy task to accomplish. Luckily, the development division of the amusement park has agreed to offer business plans as well as strategies to help the community. Because of that, the value of the lands increase rapidly, and it became the hottest residential area in the real estate market! As a result of that, more people and businesses are drawn to the area. After comparing the advantages with the disadvantages,all residents agreed that it is still necessary to have the development of the amusement park.

Once the construction of the amusement park started, men power are required to successfully open the park within the expected opening date. Therefore, recruitment of staffs is by all means the most important thing to do. Due to the fact that more jobs are being offered, local residents will benefit from it the most ,especially during economy recession like these days. Residents no longer need to travel to the city to work anymore. Schools, shopping malls, hospitals and other developments will soon be opened to accommodate the needs of the residents. Everyone in the community will benefit from the developments of the amusement park.

In conclusion, I would like to argue that having a development in the community like the construction of an amusement park will benefit everyone both economically and socially,even though there might be some minor drawbacks. While others might argue otherwise, I must say that it is necessary to have developments done for a new community like ours in order for the residents to have a better if not a brighter future. John F. Kennedy once said that "Ask not what our country can do for us, but ask what we can do for our country!" And I will proudly say to the whole community that, what we do to our community matters not only to all of the residents now, but it will also benefit our generations next. Changes needs time and people shall be courageous to accept changes. Let's start the changes today and let's embrace the bright future together!

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